Many years in the making, the Shattered Moon series finally saw the light of day in February 2023. Subsequent volumes have followed at six-monthly intervals. Book Five, Stones and Secrets, is published on 8th February. And it won't end there…​​
Click the link in the title of each book below to read a sample chapter, and find links to all the places you can buy the book (at least all that I know of!)

A distant future. A world transformed.
Remnants of a shattered moon patrol the skies, memorials to an ancient and nearly-forgotten conflict. In an isolated northern land, civilisation's slow recovery is overseen by the reclusive, all-female, Guild of Dawnsingers, which holds a monopoly on advanced learning. Life seems peaceful and well-ordered, but are the Dawnsingers as benevolent as they seem? What secrets are they hiding? And what really lies beyond the mountains in the East?
Orphan Jerya finds a new home in the Dawnsingers' Guild, but her new life turns sour. Soon she finds herself struggling to reconcile the exhilaration of learning with growing doubts about the very basis of the Guild's rule. Ultimately she faces an agonising choice which could utterly change her life, and those of her two most trusted friends.
Award-winning outdoor writer Jon Sparks turns his talent and experience to speculative fiction in the first book of The Shattered Moon series.​​​​

To read a short story set in the world of the Shattered Moon, click here.
Note: with the best will in the world, it's impossible to completely avoid spoilers, especially in the description of later volumes. I have concluded I overdid the giveaways in the first version of this page, so I've tried to rein it in, but still it might tell you more than you want to know. Read on, or not, accordingly!
A new journey of discovery begins.
Having finally broken with the Guild of Dawnsingers, Jerya and Railu are joined by Rodal as they strike out into the mountains. None of them have any idea what lies beyond the borders of the map, or if there are feasible passes through the high peaks.
Tensions mount under the strain of the hazardous journey, and thoughts return to their former lives and friends left behind, but Jerya’s determination drives them on. Each will be tested in different ways as they draw closer to unravelling the ultimate mystery of the Unsung Lands.

New prospects and new challenges.
Ten years on from Three Kinds of North and The Sundering Wall, Jerya's life feels settled, until a new acquaintance raises fresh prospects, but only if she is prepared to align herself with the owner-class. Then news of a planned expedition across the mountains prompts a fateful decision.
Jerya returns to the Sung Lands intending to deliver a warning, but will the Guild of Dawnsingers and Perriad, her old nemesis, see it in that light?
Jerya finds herself risking everything she has come to hold dear.

Lands and lives in question
When a young fugitive, Mavrys, comes to Skilthorn seeking sanctuary, it’s a complication the newly-ennobled Countess Jerya could well do without. She’s already challenging assumptions and managing radical changes to the great estate, and now Skilthorn is about to play host to an unprecedented meeting between leaders from the Sung Lands and the Five Principalities.
Jerya’s oldest friend, Railu, also glimpses the prospect of a new beginning; but is Skelber all that he seems? And can Mavrys stay out of trouble?
The future of the Known Lands may be in play, but for some of the people at Skilthorn it’s their own lives which are thrown into question.

"One day, when you're a bit older, we will go on a journey together."
Now the time has come for Jerya to fulfil her promise to her former pupil Embrel… but why is Railu, her oldest friend, so concerned about the prospect? Why is Railu even more distressed at her stepdaughter Sumyra’s eagerness to join the venture?
The answer awaits in the Sung Lands, and for both Embrel and Sumyra it will profoundly shake their sense of who they are.
Jerya herself is simply looking forward to reunions with old friends, but her long-time adversary Perriad may have other ideas.