Altogether, counting books I've written, ones where I've done the photography, and ones where I've done both, my name is on well over 50 titles, admittedly many of them from small specialist publishers in the outdoor and travel fields. I've also done more magazine articles than I can easily tally. Below are links to a couple of favourites, starting with a very personal piece that covers a particular phase of my cancer journey.
A very personal piece, published in Extreme Lakeland. In October 2022 I won the Outdoor/Travel Feature award from the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild for this piece: see here for a bit more info on this.
This book was published by New Holland (UK) Ltd in 2008. I'm credited as author but really the best term for my role is 'Contributing Editor'. I wrote nearly half of the individual essays, mostly from my own experience but in a couple of cases synthesising various other accounts. The book is out of print but is easily available for a modest amount from the usual online sources.